Monday, April 11, 2011

Design Exploration

Bestiario is a Barcelona/Lisbon-based company. His website shows the collection of sites that they have created. They combine art and science to design and create interactive information spaces. You can play and investigate these spaces by using the scrolling bar or by clicking the tags on the upper right side of the screen.

“We have developed a powerful framework based on graph theory, topological algorithms, physical models, and geometrical and geographical representations to provide the optimum solutions to our customers.” (Bestiario.org )

Sphere of Relations (This is one of the interactive sites that we can find inside Bestiario.)

“Spheres shaped by dialogue, a net of words combination. The richness of words consists in their relations with one another. A single pair of words placed together is enough to create narrative, reflections, theories, poetry, humor, or even the arbitrary…" Spheres is a project in constant evolution.

Select two words in the sphere and find their relationship through other people answers or write a new one.

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