Captain Forever is an amazing example of what flash and code knowledge is capable of. This small indie game manages to create a deep and fun experience with minimal animation and programming.
The games simple mechanics make it one of the most intuitive games I've played to date. You move with WASD, shoot with space-bar, and collect parts and customize your ship by clicking and dragging.
There's not much to say about this game, only that its fun and simple.
I present to you a slider that lets you observe the string the dictate the laws of the universe to the farthest reaches of space. The integration of flash and science is perfect. Flash lets you learn and understand the makeup the universe with a very simple interface. You move the slider from left to right or use your scroll wheel to zoom in and out of the the different levels of life. The design of the overall experience is simple and clean. No fancy art or fancy effects, just good old fashioned text and vector art. Even the music is simple, but it communicates a message that the universe is almost magical. This small but huge project is a beautiful representation of life through digital art.
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