Friday, May 01, 2015

Hey you...yes you! Are you bored? Well look at this!

Yes, I love my horror but I love my laughs too.  Those that make you question your sanity even.  Such as why is this funny? Should I be laughing?  I feel bad for laughing.  Or... "am I the only one who finds this amusing"

Well worry not.  There is a site for us oddballs, unique beings, and creative enthusiasts.

I found this via....well I have no idea.  I have seen this in many videos I have watched and through other oddballs I have encountered.  SO...I checked it out and felt the need to share it with you all today.  I warn is very strange and it will make no sense.  
 You may even get a headache from stupidity (yes that is a thing).   But non the can provide you with something to do when you are bored, sitting there, drowning in a pool of your drool from boredom.  Enjoy. 

If you are easily offended.  TURN BACK NOW
Squeemish?  I don't think this is for you.
Hate stupid humor?  Try again.
Prone to seizures?  Please don't visit this site.  

ADVISORY: Suggestive images, loud music, flash, all are integrated in this.  If you are prone to seizures, migraines, dizziness I advise you not to go to these websites for they can trigger something or offend you.  

Things are about to get weird.

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