I wanted to share an interesting series of animated episodes by a small group of animators known as Manpuku Jinja. Not much is known about them, since Japanese fan-work circles tend to be fairly reclusive, but it seems that their team consists of around five members. The amazing thing about them is that they have produced the single most high quality animated series based of the absurdly popular indie videogame franchise "Touhou". The Touhou series has so many different fan-works and animations that they could probably blot out the sky, but never has something as extensive as Manpuku Jinja's "Memories of Phantasm" been produced. They paved the way for high quality Touhou themed animations, since many other groups are now trying there hands at it. What stands out is the professional level of animation quality that is typically seen in official anime that would normally air on television. In fact, it's no stretch to say that it's better than many of them. Each episode of Memories of Phantasm takes about half a year to create, which further shows the skill of the small team involved. They also show an immense amount of knowledge of the Touhou universe, and have perfectly portrayed the fantasy world of Gensokyo in which it takes place. Below is the very first introduction animation made to showcase the series.
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