The first thing you'll see is the preloader, which has degrees instead of percentage.
When the preloader finishes, there is an intro to watch. You can choose to skip the intro if you want to. The intro contains streaming audio. When the intro is over, you are given the option to explore or cook.
If you choose explore, you can pick and choose the different parts of the oven you want to look at. You can click on a floating piece of the oven or use the navigator on the bottom right corner to choose what part of the oven you want to look at. Each piece gives a small description of what it does.
If you click on cook, from the beginning, you're given the option to choose how much time you want to spend cooking. You can choose by rotating the dial around and clicking on the time you want. When you click on a time, a video begins with a chef that explains how the food is prepared.
The TurboChef logo is in the top left corner of the screen at all times. It is actually a button you can click on if you want to replay the intro.
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