Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Design Exploration Mercedes

This website does a good job of combining typical Flash elements, such as videos and details graphics, with the development portion of the website. The sketches combined with the images show the progress of how the cars move from the drawing board into post production. Also, the gallery is set up like a book and you can flip through the pages to check out the options and different available vehicles.

There is also an area on the site that allows you to build your own model. This allows the user to pick and choose different elements of the vehicle. The selections range from interior material and colors to what type of engine you would like in the vehicle.

Also a nice element is the way the navigational menu expands off of the previous menu. This allows all of the different menu items to be viewed at the same time, without taking much focus off of the main content on the page. The combination of very polished graphic elements and more "hand drawn" elements make for an interesting combination. It works to lead the viewer through the development of the vehicles. It takes the viewer from the literal drawing board to the showroom floor.


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