Saturday, December 15, 2007

New Media Exploration

There has always been advertisement on the radio, during your TV shows, bilboards when you drive down the street even on the internet. But advertisements today are much different than they use to be. Advertisements use to be simple and got the point across easily, then they went to funny but you didn’t know what the commercial was for till the very end. Today we are all into design, and making something that is unique but also odd and strange but in away that people like.. If you watch TV today and wait for a commercial (which isnt very hard as it seems more time is spent watching commercials then your television show) anyways if you wait for a commercial most likely you are going to see one of these commercials that are all into design, and making something unique but also odd and strange but in a way that people like.
One commercial that is different but memorable is the Guinness commercial. This commercial is very unique I have never seen something like it. I like how they have created the look of people being thrown at drums and playing a theme. They had to time this very accurately because if one person hits before the sound it would not seem real.

In the HP commercial with Vera Wang the incorporate computer animation with real life. This video shows that. By making real life interact with the computer animations you are giving the effect that Vera Wang is actually doing those things. That it is magic and she can pull things out of thin air aswell as make them disappear. She is saying that she did these things with an HP and that causes a viewer to believe that they can do these incredible things as well. This is the finished video.

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