Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blogging Exploration: Sean Dianda

I love branding and advertising agency sites. There are some truly great ones out there. Cloudraker is...well not the best I have ever seen but fun and interesting none the less. I liked their use of a simple color palette (mostly black and white) and the use of hand drawn images with roughly clipped bitmapped images. The site it’s self doesn’t offer a whole lot of interactivity but what it does offer is displayed in an engaging way. Information isn't overwhelming. It’s succinct but informative. The site can be navigated by the simple clean menu at the top or by using your keyboard arrows.

One aspect of the design I really like, is when you reach a destination, text drops down from the top as though it was on strings and gently swings, then comes to a stop. It also uses background and foreground elements that move at different speeds to convey dimension.

It’s not the greatest site in the world but it does a good job of conveying it’s message as an agency. I think it did a good job of not falling down the hole of OVER interactivity. They kept it simple and in my book, simple is often a very good strategy.

My second site is Magnivate

Magnivate Is a small boutique agency in Jakarta Indonesia. The site, although a bit busy and chaotic at times, still managed to be pleasing. With the non threatening music and graphics, I thought they conveyed the message in a fun and fresh way. I liked the use of the simple graphics. There wasn’t a whole lot of detail and all the shapes were pretty simple but their use of color was nice to bring it all together. Also the use of “paper style” graphics gave the site some dimension in a very simple way using layers and basic drop shadows. This is a style of design I like very much and have used in my professional career. What was also cool, was that you could customize your little character before you enter the magnivate world.

When your Browser is maximized, the site will take up the whole window and uses the principle of “white space” which is something I also like. All in all, it was a fun and interesting site that draws the user in to learn more about the company, and that’s a key part of marketing.

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