Thursday, February 05, 2009

As I was browsing around for some flash websites when I stumbled across This flash site was created by a person in Paris, France named Steve E. Morel. He discovered Graphics Designs in July 2003 and said it to be his passion ever since. He is a self taught graphist and flasher saying he will never cease experimenting in hopes of becoming a high level graphic artist.

In august 2007 he was hired by a agency called "Mediagong" and is currently working in a worldwide company known as "Proximity BBDO" since January 2009. He also works as a Freelance Graphist Flasher since April 2007.

1. Mediagong site

2. Proximity BBDO site

I found his works/site quite amazing that it shocked me. I seriously felt like I entered the matrix when his webpage loaded onto the screen. The site looks simple if you just glance at it but he uses lots of flash for minor things making his site complex and fun to look at. I think that Steve E. Morel is a great Graphic/Flash artist and would recommend people to check out his webpage.

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