Thursday, February 19, 2009

Red Bull Flight Lab

Red Bull Flight Lab captured my attention for it's look, functionality and it's over the top addictiveness!

It looks great. It is perfectly designed to appeal to a fairly wide range of audience. It is stylish enough to engage a designer and bright and colorful enough for kids.

It is fun. Really fun! I spent a long time on the site. I really enjoyed building planes. I never mastered the flying part of the game. I can't blame the site for this, I have no patience for gaming. But considering that, I played with it for longer than usual.

I found the complexity of the site intriguing. It inspired my to learn more advanced flash animation as well as the massive amount of scripting I suspect this site has.

More that anything I found some of the functionality to spark my imagination for ways to design sites in the future. I love the customizable user experience components like the changeable work surface in the design lab.

I also found the integrated help/tips to be really well designed. Much more user friendly than going of to a separate help section.

The bottom line is that a fun, well designed web site will keep visitors [or at least me] hanging around, looking at the logo and building brand awareness for quite some time.

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