Monday, February 23, 2009

I was on the web trying to find some cool Flash studios when I stumbled across this cool web page, Flash on the Web. Since it had dozens of studios I didn't know where to begin, so I started at the beginning with 4 eyed animation.

The first series that caught my eye was the Pets series. This appealed to me because it was episode based and I kind of liked the characters.

The next series I looked at was the "Frankenellos" Being a Munsters and Addams Family fan I've always enjoyed this type of humor. This, too, was episode-based.

Probably the most appealing thing to me about these animations is that I didn't see anything violent or gory. I found other sites on the web, but I'm not big on chain saws and gratuititous violence. I also liked the episodes so I felt like there was a reason to come back and see more were available.

So, if you're having a hard time finding a studio, just go to Flash on the Web, like I did and you'll be good to go! The only caveat, at least for me, is that seeing all of these cool animations makes me feel woefully inadequate when it comes to Flash.

1 comment:

Mark Thornhill said...

Great resource! Thanks